May 31, 2011

Ann's Roast Chicken

I started doing this after I spent 6 weeks in Paris. Its a great way to have a healthy, low maintenance dinner PLUS you can get soup out of the carcass the next day. I use my toaster oven to make the chicken because it uses less energy and doesn't make my house so hot! I got this recipe from my Mother In Law. I get a chicken with the guts and head removed - just a clean chicken. You can get these from Whole Foods for about $3.50 a pound.

1 Whole organic chicken.
2 TSP Each - dry mustard, celery salt, paprika, garlic salt
1 orange or lemon

Preheat the oven for 375.

I don't clean the chicken - any kind of bacteria on a chicken will die in the oven. Plus, the more you touch the chicken and then the sink, counters, etc - the more chance you are spreading nasty chicken things all over your kitchen. So there. Just take it out of the package.

Mix all of the spices together and spread them on the top of the chicken breast side down first - then flip the chicken to cover the other side.

Slice the lemon in half and stick it in the tush of the bird.

Throw the chicken in the oven. Because I am using a toaster oven, it cooks faster.

Let the bird cook for about 25-30 minutes with the breast facing up, then flip the bird for the remaining amount of time.

For a 3-4 pound bird - it will take about 1 hour and 15 minutes. You know its done when you stick a knife deep into the breast and the juices run clear, the legs move and the skin on the leg has started to separate from the leg.

Good to serve with a light salad, steamed veggies and rice.

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